daemon > (dē'mən) > Computer Science : A program or process that sits idly in the background until it is invoked to perform its task.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

The 60 hour war.

This was the war that started on November 26 2008 after 9pm, between the terrorists that laid siege to south Bombay holding the entire country to ransom and the security forces that freed us civilians from them. It ended today!

This is not a war between two nations but a war between two ideologies, one that believes in killing in the name of God or anyone that doesn't agree with them and another that believes in passing the buck when faced with responsibility.

This problem that we face is not rocket science. I mean how hard can it be to copy the solution to it? I say 'copy' because this is a problem that has been taken care of by many other countries before us. We import technologies, adopt lifestyles, cultures, views from other countries; so why can't we do the same when faced with the problem of terrorism? Why can't we copy the solutions those countries applied?

I, as a lay person, can say that if the N.S.G. commandos were stationed across all major cities of India, namely Bombay, we would have been able to send them in after the insurgents right at the start instead of sending ill trained and ill-equipped policemen whilst waiting for them to arrive. This would have prevented the terrorists from getting the time they had, to set up command posts and prolonging this 'war' to almost 3 days. A more mature and seasoned, experienced person would be able to provide a better solution. Am I smarter than those holding office?

This is not the first time we have had to face this problem. Why haven't the authorities learnt their lesson? Are they Stupid? Is there something preventing them from applying the same technologies, crisis management methodologies that have been used successfully in developed nations across the world? Perhaps they know something we don't. What could it be?


Blogger Nitin said...

Neville your blog is very thought provoking. However one should understand that no one was aware that in a place like Mumbai there will be this level of combat. I see so many people complaining about issue "why nsg came in so late?" the reason is no one expected it to be so horrifying.

Only thing I feel that failed here was Border patrol.

Sunday, November 30, 2008 2:35:00 AM

Blogger Sir Lewis said...

I agree. But I also feel the root cause is perhaps the mismanagement of democracy, and that is what has gone and failed us.

Sunday, November 30, 2008 3:47:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you on how slow the NSG was to respond to attacks. It's just unthinkable that they won't have their own dedicated plane for such events. Hopefully, this horror event will provide the much needed turning point in Indian democracy where politicians will be held accountable for what happened. It's high time Pakistan is made to pay for its ghastly acts. But so far the appproach of the politicans has been nothing but lackadaisical. The CM says, there was information they had received earlier on the attacks, but it was not 'direct' information. Maybe, he wanted the terrorists to ring him and say 'hey we are about to create mayhem'. R R Patil, the so called 'home minister' of Maharashtra said 'these are one off incidents!!!' Can you believe his nerve. Maybe, all we can do is vent our anger...
Good blog..Keep blogging..

Sunday, November 30, 2008 1:13:00 PM

Blogger Sir Lewis said...

Yea I heard that line from him and wanted to slap his face! R.R. Patil a.k.a. Randomly Ridiculous Patil thinks its a 'small' incident. I wonder whose side he is on.
BJP is calling this government a failure. Weren't they in power when the Parliament was attacked? Our constitution seems to shield the government officials from accountability.
During elections we are left to choose between crap and putrefied puke. Dictatorship anyone?!?!

Sunday, November 30, 2008 4:28:00 PM

Blogger Neelanshu S said...

Why do i feel India is well on its way to anarchy and chaos (if we hvnt already got there)?
US after 9/11 and UK after Heathrow bombings left no stone unturned to curb any terrorist activities targeted at them. Damn....US wiped out even Saddam's reign
And we witness blasts every two months....!!! And prepare for the next...!!!
Much in the name of tolerance!! Blame it on the laid back attitude of masses (when they dont vote) or leaders like Patil (whom the masses choose) the country has witnessed horrible acts of terror in last couple of years.
I agree with Nev, dictatorship is the only way out.
My 2 cents: Why dint the NSG use the air conditioning ducts to spew gas in the hotel?
This would have left everyone unconscious and easier for NSG to handle the situation.

Sunday, November 30, 2008 5:46:00 PM

Blogger Sir Lewis said...

Excellent idea Neelanshu... we should have smoked them out. But I guess the NSG were not equipped with colourless odourless smoke. If they had started smoking them then they would have killed more hostages.. ofcourse nobody thought that they had already killed all they could find. Hey what about tear gas?

Sunday, November 30, 2008 9:16:00 PM


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