daemon > (dē'mən) > Computer Science : A program or process that sits idly in the background until it is invoked to perform its task.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Train beat

one of my originals...

Monday, June 01, 2009

Why do they hate us?

Why does everyone living outside India, including Indians born abroad hate the Indians from India?

Is it because we litter on the roads there like we do here?

Is it because we belch and burp loudly there like we do here?

Is it because we drive irresponsibly there like we do here?

Is it because we stand on gangways/hallways in groups and block everyone else’s path there like we do here?

Is it because we jump queues out of turn over there like we do here?

Is it because we intrude into another persons space there like we do here?

Is it because we try to impose our culture on others when we go there?

Why do they hate us really?

And IS that why they do this?


Saturday, November 29, 2008

The 60 hour war.

This was the war that started on November 26 2008 after 9pm, between the terrorists that laid siege to south Bombay holding the entire country to ransom and the security forces that freed us civilians from them. It ended today!

This is not a war between two nations but a war between two ideologies, one that believes in killing in the name of God or anyone that doesn't agree with them and another that believes in passing the buck when faced with responsibility.

This problem that we face is not rocket science. I mean how hard can it be to copy the solution to it? I say 'copy' because this is a problem that has been taken care of by many other countries before us. We import technologies, adopt lifestyles, cultures, views from other countries; so why can't we do the same when faced with the problem of terrorism? Why can't we copy the solutions those countries applied?

I, as a lay person, can say that if the N.S.G. commandos were stationed across all major cities of India, namely Bombay, we would have been able to send them in after the insurgents right at the start instead of sending ill trained and ill-equipped policemen whilst waiting for them to arrive. This would have prevented the terrorists from getting the time they had, to set up command posts and prolonging this 'war' to almost 3 days. A more mature and seasoned, experienced person would be able to provide a better solution. Am I smarter than those holding office?

This is not the first time we have had to face this problem. Why haven't the authorities learnt their lesson? Are they Stupid? Is there something preventing them from applying the same technologies, crisis management methodologies that have been used successfully in developed nations across the world? Perhaps they know something we don't. What could it be?

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Iron Man

They say fact follows fiction. I don't know who 'they' are, but, 'they' say! And if what they say is true then very soon we ought to have mechanical armoured suits that will be boost our strength to up to 10 times its original strength... and allow us to fly as well... Cool!

So, anyway, just back from the late night show of the movie 'Iron Man' and I must say, it was quite a good movie. Could have done with a little more action though. But overall a good film.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

RIA v/s Ajax ....AOM?

What will eventually make it?

I really wouldn't hazard a guess there!! All I know is that the future of the web is going to be much different from what we see now. Nobody is going to enter something to a web page and wait for it to post that data to some back-end server while they see a blank white page till the server finishes processing it and shows them something worthwhile. That's really boring, isn't it?

How about a web page (I have my grouse against the term 'web page' which I'll come to later) which does the processing in the background while it shows you something relevant or interesting or entertaining or all of those three while its doing that processing?
Cool, that's where RIA's and AJAX come in. Whats the difference between the two you ask? ...hmm, well they both hope to achieve the same objective, which is keeping the user busy with something relevant/interesting/entertaining while it does some processing on the server side. So what makes one a winner over the other? I still wont commit to putting down in writing which one is better.. not simply because I don't want to look like a fool who spoke too soon a few months down the line, but also because I feel that its not really a question of which one is better. Both can be used to achieve the same amount of richness to a web page. Its just a matter of preference, feasibility and skill availability.

Back in the days of yore when everything was a web page, the novelty and usability of these web pages was limited to just a read only display of information that could be available anywhere on a computer connected to the internet. Then people started to want more. They wanted the ability to add stuff to what they saw and so the web form was born. Users could now input data in a form which would carry that data to the server and then it would magically appear on that web page a few seconds later. That was the cool factor back then. Nobody cared about having to look at a blank screen while that happened. Well, now they do. Enter RIA...

RIAs like those based on Adobe's AIR, Microsoft's Silverlight and Java's JavaFX are basically frameworks that add on to the browser's capabilities, while Ajax does everything using what the browser ships with, which is javascript and XML. The idea is to have a web application and not a web page anymore. We want to see the rest of the page while that little corner on the top of the very same page gets the latest stock quotes. We are also getting used to the autosave feature while we type of our emails, courtesy GMail, for being the leader in that arena. How can all this be possible in a simple web page? Well, it can't! The browsers of today need to be a lot more capable than they were back in the old ages. Its simply not lightweight thin client anymore. It's doing a lot more that just displaying colorful pages and graphics. Its interacting with the user and providing immediate feedback. It needs to remember the user's preferences and what the user did last on repeated visits to the same site. Can all this be possible using the DOM available now? We might need to revamp the whole browser as being not just an document host but an application host. I coin the term AOM here which stands for Application Object Model. :)

My thoughts on AOM:
I feel we need to take a step forward from where the browsers stand today. We are talking about multi-user downloadable applications that dont need to download their runtime as well. This wont be a copy of the JAVA runtime or a .Net runtime where heavy applications download to the client and connect to various other servers directly from the client computer. A web site on a url will send an application to the client and not just a simple javascript heavy page.

The browsers of tomorrow wont be devices used to just browse web pages. They will be fully functional application hosts. They will be made specific to an OS much like browsers are today; but the applications they host will be written just once, much like a webpage is today. The visual rendering, statefulness, data persistence, security, etc. will be taken care of by the application host, what we call today a browser. That IMHO is true RIA :)

Your comments please...

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Sunday, December 16, 2007

RC Pilot

hmmm... clocked 1 hour on a rc chopper so far... you think thats less?.. I think so too... just cant find the time or the place to do it. Why do these electric powered ones take so long to charge and then discharge so quickly. We can send a man to the moon, but cant make batteries that charge faster? By the time I've got all the adjustments done the batteries power out!! Well thats ok I guess, for a trainer. Yea thats right I use a trainer. Its cheap thats why. What goes up must come down so no putting big money in a chopper that will cost me as much a bike ...well not yet at least.

...another expensive hobby to add to the list. Wonder where I can find an indoor one thats no bigger than 6 inches and can last atleast 30 minutes on a full charge.
Hey this is cool. A battery operated remote controlled Dragon Fly.
InsecTechnology... What will they think of next ??

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Teleportation anyone??

Teleportation is the movement of objects or elementary particles from one place to another, more or less instantaneously, without traveling through space. Basically if you want to teleport an object from point A to point B, you record information at point A send that information to point B and recreate it there. If you dont want duplicates you destroy the original at point A.

Now, would you teleport yourself? knowing that you are being destroyed at point A. If you answered No, you will now have two of you. One at point A and the other at point B. From the time you are created at point B, you and your original at point A will continue to lead same lives with different memories. Well the lives will be the same until the indivisual memories go that far apart. How you gonna deal with that?

Ok, say you answered Yes, it means you are killing yourself at point A, because the 'you' recreated at point B is of entirely different material, although based on the same data. If you are the spiritual kind, what do you think happens to your soul?